Share Your Story!

Everyone has a story, and we want to hear yours. Can your story serve as a form of medicine to help us heal each other? You bet it can. And we’re here to help get the word out. So grab your superhero cape 🦸🏻‍♀️ and a mic 🎤, and pitch us your story.

Pick from one of the below options.

SUPERHUMANS is an immersive audio docu-series that takes you deep into the unspoken intersection of health & humanity…revealing truth in medicine, making healthy behaviors contagious, and giving everyone permission to speak what you feel.


Record Your Story

Whats Happens Next?

We are humbled with deep gratitude and appreciation for your willingness to share your truth and participate in what we see as a global health & well-being movement – a movement of collective healing where we all become better versions of ourselves by relating to the stories of others and creating positive behavior change.

Our world-renowned storytelling committee is hard at work reviewing every submission. We gravitate towards those stories that reveal a common, yet seldom discussed truth that can resonate with the largest possible audience. If selected, we will reach out to set up an exploratory introductory call with our producers.

We appreciate your patience as this process may take some time since we carefully consider the diversity of representation for each season. That means that even if we don’t select you now, we keep your story on file for possible consideration of a future season.

Important Legal Authorization

I acknowledge that by submitting this recording and/or written story it becomes the property of Superhumans, and by leaving this submission I give Superhumans the right to broadcast my pitch, share it online, and use it for promotional purposes. You retain the rights to your story, but give us permission to creatively use the audio or written submission of your pitch.


Write Your Story

SUPERHUMANS is made with unrelenting gratitude 🙏 and love ❤️ for you.